Full Bloom Film Festival: Worthy Purpose and Noble Causes

Join us for this short film session.

“If you would find happiness and joy, lose your life in some noble cause. A worthy purpose must be at the center of every worthy life.”

- Jack H. Goaslind 

Friday 9/10 | 12:15PM-2:00PM | Iredell Arts Council

Saturday 9/11 | 10:30AM-12:15PM | D'Laney's Annex

Saving Juliette | 0:39:20 | Short documentary

A story of what happens when people galvanize their community, question their political leanings, and work to hold their representatives accountable, all in an effort to have good water in Juliette, Georgia.

Future's Resistance | 0:08:56 | Short documentary

A young Lebanese woman recounts her story about the aftermath of the Beirut explosion. Through helping with the cleanup, and the protest that followed, her faith in her country comes into question.

Amber's Halfway Home | 0:30:09 | Short documentary

A day of rescue in the fields and dog pounds of western Tennessee as Amber Reynolds sheds light on the unhealthy conditions of shelters and consequences of ignoring our country’s homeless animals.

For information on screening times, a complete list of programming, and to purchase tickets, click here.

Originally posted by Full Bloom Film Festival via Locable